The main problem is our society is mostly negative. It is divided 80 per 20 by Pareto principle, that means 80% of society is negative and only 20 is positive. If you will not filter the information you perceive, you have only 1 chance from 5 to be the positive person. The fact is negative all around us, and have to close our eyes and ears not to see and hear it. Absolutely ignore it.
The world around us is just the perfect reflection of our inner world.
Self suggestion helps us to create the inner world, and this inner seeing will take place in our real world. The real world is just a mirror. It reflects only the original object. If you look at the mirror and would like to change the reflection, you have to change the original object. But not the other way round. Self suggestion is able to change the original object. This is the way how it really works. Belief – is the mind state, that can be reached with the help of affirmation and repeated instructions, that influence the subconscious. The belief is the mind state, that can be developed if you wish to.
Repeated instructions are the only way to influence your beliefs and convictions.
So, the thought and idea, that is repeated all the time at last is accepted by the subconscious mind. When it is accepted your subconsciousness start acting according to this thought and transforms it into the physical reality using the most appropriate manner.The man who failed in life, end the life in poverty and misery, is guilty about this, because he uses the self suggestion principle in the negative manner.
Self suggestion can rise you up to the unreachable height or pull you down depend on the dominant thoughts in your mind. Just the subconsciousness will help you to succeed in life and reach your dreams Every thought can be implanted in the mind by turning back to this thought again and again, thinking it over and over. That's why you have to write down you major goals and all the intermediate goals and day by day read them and visualize they had already come true. And do it till your subconscious mind accepts this idea. The major goals of self suggestion is forming the positive ideas in written forms, remembering them and recurrent pronouncing all the time till this idea comes true. Eventually the man believes those ideas, he think all the time about, and it does not have the difference whether these ideas positive or negative. If the man come across lie all the time, he accepts it as the truth.