The secret law of attraction says:'You attract and bring into your life the things and objects you think about most of the time'.
And the consequence of the secret law of attraction:
'think about things you WOULD LIKE to have and ignore and do not think about things you do not want'.
This thought is so evident, so clear, I think you hear it many times. But I can not say anything you do not hear at all. The question is: are you applying this idea to your life or you just know about this and do nothing?
Each thought REGARDLESS OF it is positive or negative has it's energy. The Universe brings into the life, the most powerful ideas and thoughts and it does not care whether you want it or not. Where the energy flows into, from there it flows out.
I think you notice, that things you do not want to happen, happens. Things you are afraid of comes to your life. Your worries come true. Why this is happening? The answer consists in energy flow. You do not want these things to come into your life with such a passion, that all the time you think how to avoid it. It does not matter, that you think how to avoid it, what really matters is the object you are focusing in and this object is NEGATIVE. This is what you do not want to bring into your life. You give energy into thins you do not want, that is why they are attracted to you. Think about abundance and wealth, success and prosperity and it will be attracted to you.
Fear is the most powerful negative emotion. That is why, when you are afraid of something you give lots of energy to the object you fear. This great amount of energy draws a wide response, that activate the law of attraction even faster. The negative thing is attracted to you much more faster. If we add negative self suggestion in addition to the fear nothing can stop them. Your worries and scarcities come true very quickly. Negative self suggestion is caused by the repeating and visualizing the negative event. Try to watch yourself the next time, when you afraid of something. You will visualize automatically the negative event in your mind over and over.
Why this is different with positive events?
First of all our society is mostly negative.Secondly we were educated that way.
We get used to take everything good as a matter of fact, and do not give energy to the positive events. And without energy the secret law of attraction does not work. And when something negative happens, a strong feeling of disappointment surges up. We feel terrible, we analyze why this happens, we try to avoid worse, so to make the long story short, we give and supply our energy to the negative events, that activates the law of attraction. And that's why, as far as we go it is going from bad to worse and we join the ranks of the negative people.
Then mass media carries negative information. All the news arouse only bad feeling, we feel terrible watching all the cruelty. It is very difficult to ignore all this negative information for an average person. The only way out to close your eyes and your ears not to watch it and hear it. To reach success in life you must keep your mind clean, and avoid negative. Maybe your colleagues and acquaintance will not understand you: how can you be indifferent to what happens in the world? Don't you know about the recent war broke out? You not watching news? You may not answer your friends, but answer to yourself - I can not change anything there, why to watch it? But I can change my life, that's why I watch only my life.
Let's sum up everything and make a conclusion
1. Express your gratitude toward everything positive, that happens in your life.
2. If something bad happens to you
1) take the negative event as blessing
2) quickly make the analysis why this happens, try to define the reasons.
3) draw a conclusion. Remember this experience
4) forget about negative event
3. Ignore the negative information, that automatically comes to you2) quickly make the analysis why this happens, try to define the reasons.
3) draw a conclusion. Remember this experience
4) forget about negative event
1) if you are can better move off the source of negative information
2) if you can, change the topic of the discussion
3) if you can not do anything just turn away your thoughts towards something positive, for example your dream
The positive thoughts and ideas you have to grow in your mind consciously. 2) if you can, change the topic of the discussion
3) if you can not do anything just turn away your thoughts towards something positive, for example your dream
You can not resist negative, that is why learn to react upon it correspondently.