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Monday, 23 June 2014

Success Takes Focus

You can have a strong desire and really want to achieve your goal but as I’m sure you’ve experienced, life has its way of knocking us off course. Things come up, distractions occur, the next thing you know, you look at your goals and wonder what the heck happened.
Success takes a lot of focus. I’m sure you’ve had the experience of setting a goal and being really excited about achieving it only to have a few weeks or months to go by and realize the goal has dropped down on your list of priorities.
People often get easily side tracked. Circumstances and situations can nudge you off course. This doesn’t just happen all at once. Often times, you get off track just little by little until one day, you realize you’re completely off track. Keeping your mind focused on your goal can be a constant battle because everything around you is trying to get your attention. Since most people can only focus on so many things at once, it will be your job to keep your goal up high on your priorities list.
So what can you do to keep your focus, to keep your eyes on the prize? There are several things you can try. You can write down your goal and read it each morning and night. You can visualize achieving your goals daily. You can make sure that your daily to-do list includes doing something that will take you closer to your goal. You can buy some motivational posters and stick them on your walls. You can find a friend who has a similar goal and work to keep each other on track.
One of my favorite methods of keeping focused on a goal is to constantly ask myself, “Is what I’m doing right now bringing me closer to my goal or further away?” Once you answer that question, you’ll know what to do.
The common theme in all of these ways to keep your focus is to constantly keep your goal on your mind. Making an effort to stay focused on your goal is a lot easier if it’s a major goal that you have an intense desire to achieve.
Now because staying focused on one major goal is hard enough, you may want to consider sticking to just one goal. If you look back at the goals you’ve tried to achieve and realized you haven’t achieved any of your major goals, it may be time to just focus on a single goal. This way, all of your energy and focus can be put towards obtaining that one goal which will dramatically increase your chances of getting it. It’s a lot better to just achieve 1 major goal then to work on a dozen and achieve none of them.
The final thing I want to say about this reminder of success is that you’re going to have days where you do nothing to get closer to your goals. You’re going to have periods of time where your focus and priorities are elsewhere. When this happens, many people will beat themselves up mentally and quit all together.
Remember that you’re human and because of this, you’ll make some errors in judgment. You’ll get side tracked here and there. Instead of beating yourself up, just be aware that certain things can take your focus away from your goals. Once you’re aware of these things, you can actively reduce the amount of time they take your focus off of your goals.
Distractions are like gravity, it’s constant. It’s going to cause us all to fall every now and then. The important thing is that we bounce back up every time we fall. Get your focus back on your goal when you start to realize it’s drifting somewhere else. The quicker you do it, the better.
I’d like to know what you do to keep your focus on your goal. Please share them in the comments section.

What Does The Bible Say About Evolution?

What Does The Bible Say About Evolution?

First, from a scientific point of view, evolution is a theory, not a proven or accepted fact.
Second, evolution is the theory that:
Billions of years ago some water molecules; some carbon dioxide molecules; some nitrate molecules; some phosphorus, calcium, and iron salts; and some miscellaneous other minor elements got together and spontaneously formed a molecule which was capable of reproducing itself, AND
These molecules were able to form living reproducing cells, AND
These living cells eventually evolved into higher and higher forms of life all by random chance without outside direction or purpose!
Believe that? Well then, consider this. You are doing some archeological digging in an ancient cave and as you split open a piece of promising rock you find a digital wristwatch. Would you believe that the scientific explanation for this would be that sometime in the past some silicon, carbon, hydrogen, arsenic, phosphorus, aluminum, and iron atoms got together and formed a digital watch?
Or, would you believe that someone made the watch and put it there?
The probability of the digital watch occurring randomly is billions of times bigger than the probability of even simple life occurring accidentally. How many watches have you found lately?
There are only two choices. You can believe that man came to exist by some random accident, or you can believe that man was created, the product of intelligent design.The Bible says that God created all living things purposely. It was not due to random chance, but it was deliberate and premeditated. Whether you believe that God did his creation in six, literal, twenty-four hour days, or whether you believe He did it in six ages is not the issue here. The issue is that the Bible says that things didn't come into being by chance, they came into being at the will and act of an Almighty Creator.
Now what does science itself say about evolution? Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, said that his theory would succeed or fail depending on the fossil record. Darwin believed that although there was no fossil evidence in his time to support his conjecture, there would be someday. He thought that future generations would find this very evidence upon which he speculated. Now, well over a hundred years later, with museums filled with thousands upon thousands of fossils, we still haven’t found the evidence that Darwin needed for his theory. What are we missing in the fossil record? We are missing the transition species. See, if one specie gradually evolved from another there should be fossils of the intermediate steps, in fact, lots of them. BUT, we have never found a single one, not one! We do not have a single fossil of any species evolving to another species. But what about man? Don’t we have specimens that show man evolved from an ape? No. We have fragments of skeletons from ape-man type creatures found in Africa and Australia, but current research is showing that they were more ape than man. In all probability they were never ancestors of man. Then what about all those wonderful cavemen, Neanderthal, et. al. which populate our movies? In the last few years science has conclusively shown that Neanderthal was never in the family tree of man. As time goes on, and we acquire more and more scientific data, we find that there are no ancestors of man. There is just man, who appeared on this planet a few thousand years ago and worshipped. That was one of the first signs of man, Homo Sapiens. Not only did he use tools, but more important he worshipped, worshipped something or someone.
To pass off the existence of life as a set of random occurrences, or chance, is not science, it is pseudo-science or it is superstition. Science is not the muttering of platitudes like "it was just an accident, a freak occurrence." Science is sitting down and determining what occurrences needed to happen in order for life to form, assigning a probability to each of these events, and finally determining the overall probability of life occurring by chance. That's science, and that's how you find out if it really is a possible chance occurrence. If that seems too hard you could also calculate the probability that this planet has come into existence by chance and is just perfect for supporting and maintaining life. This calculation has already been done. If you are interested in the details you should consult Prince Michael, an astrophysicist. His calculations show that there can be no planets in the entire universe such as our earth that came about by random chance. The fact that the earth is here at all shows that something other than chance is involved. There is a creator. Evolution didn't happen. Today, even scientists are against evolution. Not only is evolution contrary to the teachings of the Bible, but it is bad science.